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Customer Data Protection – Why It’s Important For CX Leaders to Prioritize This Strategy

Data protection for customers is the process of protecting data from hackers as well as accidental leaks and breaches. CX executives who adhere to this strategy are able create personalized experiences that build confidence with customers, boost customer loyalty and increase the bottom line.

It’s PII (personally identifiable information), PII and medical records, financial information, or even social security numbers, keeping customers data secure is essential to ensure a secure relationship. It’s also essential to comply with privacy laws for data that differ from one region to another (PIPEDA is Canada, HIPAA is the US, and GDPR is in the EU).

To ensure that only those who require access to sensitive customer information have access to this information, set up roles based on the employee’s job requirements and assign permissions in accordance with. This ensures that when an employee is transferred or shifts roles their access rights change with them. It’s recommended to encrypt information both while in transit and at rest, using tools such as 256-key bit length encryption for email communications or encryption of files on systems as well as servers.

Also, make sure you https://dataroommanage.blog/secure-document-online-storage/ crosscut or shred any paper copies of customer data before disposing them. When a computer is decommissioned, you should wipe the hard drive or physically destroy it. This will prevent any information from falling in the wrong hands. This simple, proactive step can significantly decrease the risk of the possibility of a data breach.

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